Tips to Get Ready to Sell Your Home

Published on 8/29/2021

Tips to Get Ready to Sell Your Home

If you’re on the fence about selling your home, now is a great time to sell! So go for it. As you get ready to sell, here are some tips to help you maximize your home’s potential to get top dollar. These tips will also help you sell quickly. 

1. Create an inviting atmosphere

Show off the home’s intrinsic attributes and amenities. To make your home inviting think about how to optimize it’s selling potential. For example, open your blinds and pull back drapes. Buyers love natural light but this also helps show off the home. Touch up basic things around the house like replacing any shot light bulbs to make the home warm and welcoming. And don’t forget to touch up scuffs with fresh paint. 

2. Highlight that you’ve cared for the home

You want buyers to get the sense that this home is cared for. It will make them less worried about expensive skeletons in the closet. It also shows maintenance is up to date which means less work off the bat for them to tackle. So fix any glaring problems. But also tighten doorknobs and handles, repair holes in the wall from artwork, recaulk a dingy tub, and clean grout well to make it sparkle. As you deep clean the home, also don’t forget baseboards, fans, vents and shelving. 

3. Depersonalize for a clean slate

Take down personal items like religious or political pieces. And as harsh as it sounds, take down kids artwork and pictures from the fridge. Try to make your home as neutral as possible. This will help buyers picture themselves living there and bringing their own personal effects. Organize kitchen cabinets, counters and all closets as well. Try to get rid of excess to really show off the home’s storage potential. One tip to do this is to pack away seasonal items and try to get closets down to about 50% capacity. Buyers want to see the full potential of closets and storage space.

4. Boost curb appeal

The final tip to prepare to sell your home is to focus some TLC on the exterior. Power wash the outdoor surfaces. Clean gutters. Wash windows well. Tidy up and invest some time in cleaning up the landscaping. Trim bushes and trees back if needed. Rake leaves if they’ve overwhelmed the yard. Weed flowerbeds. Basically, you want the exterior to wow and impress on that first look. 

Follow these tips to get your home in prime selling condition!