Stay Up To Date on Outdoor Maintenance and Renovations
Published on 8/13/2021

Stay Up To Date on Outdoor Maintenance and Renovations
Owning a home is a wonderful opportunity for investment and stability. It also comes with its own challenges to maintain and keep up to date. But you can help yourself stay ahead with regular maintenance as well as budgeting for larger renovations ahead of time. This will save you big in the long run and protect your return on investment when it comes time to sell the house.
1. Gutters
To keep these in good repair, plan to do a big clean at least twice a year. You could do fall and spring to keep yourself on track. Clean out debris from the winter cold then clean again after all the fallen leaves of summer and early fall. This helps keep gutters in tiptop shape so they’ll last longer for you.
2. Windows
Pay attention to your windows through the years to prevent energy loss or drafts. These are sure signs it’s time to replace windows. And of course anytime you notice a chipped windowpane or crack in the glass. Keeping up with windows can help lower your utility bills over time and keep out the heat and cold of the seasons.
3. Driveway
If you have a driveway with your property, it takes a good amount of wear and tear yearly. This is especially true in the colder months with salt, snow and ice. Best to keep an eye on this and plan to reseal every 2-5 years to help preserve the concrete longer. Repair cracks that come up as well so they don’t spread further causing a costly overhaul.
4. Roof
Roof maintenance is a must to prevent unnecessary stress as well as untimely costs. Yes, roofs eventually need to be replaced but this shouldn’t be terribly often if you’re taking proper care of it. Think 15-30 years at least and upwards of that if you have a more durable, metal roof. So keep your roof free of overhanging branches that could damage the roof or lead to mold to help preserve it longer.
5. Lawn
Keep up with your lawn to not only make neighbors jealous and guests swoon, but also to make it less costly or time consuming later on. When you need to sell, a gorgeous lawn goes a long way in curb appeal and the value of the home. So keep up with it now to enjoy it and prevent it from falling behind. Stay on top of trimming hedges, weeding flowerbeds and gardens, and raking and bagging leaves. But also if you find patchy spots, best to take care of those in either early spring or late fall to keep your lawn fresh and full all summer long.
Start with these regular maintenance and home improvement tasks to stay on track!