Prep Your Garden for the Cooler Months
Published on 9/10/2021

Prep Your Garden for the Cooler Months
As the weather starts to cool down a bit and kids go back to school, we might start turning our attention to how to prep for winter. Yes, it’s still a couple months from being really cold, but it’s good to start considering what actions to take now. Especially for our gardens, which we’ve worked so hard to cultivate this last year. Taking care of them now will help them flourish next springtime and summer. If you’re curious about what you can do now to help your garden next year, keep reading!
1. Consider what worked and what didn’t
Take stock of how your garden did this year. What plants really flourished? Which ones need more sun or more shade? What would you like to add in for next year? Take time to trim back perennials after they are done blooming this season. And clear out annuals that won’t come back up next year. This way you’ll make room for whatever you need to add and you’ll have a sense of where new additions will fit and be able to bloom the best.
2. Winter proof planters
As the weather continues to cool in the coming months, make sure to keep plants from freezing by adding a layer of mulch over the top of planters, pots, and your gardens. Just don’t put mulch up against tree trunks to prevent rot or other diseases.
Consider bringing more fragile herbs indoors for the winter, unless your climate is mild enough that they’ll be ok. This way you can keep enjoying all your fresh herbs throughout the cooler days.
You could also plant a round of hardy vegetables early this fall. Beets, kale, parsnips and others will fare well during the fall months. You can typically plant these and then harvest 7-8 weeks later. Enjoy stir-fries, soups and hearty salads well into autumn.
3. Clean and tidy the yard
Take some time this fall to clean up the yard. This includes weeding and trimming back shrubs. You’ll also want to clear out any plants with diseases and get rid of dead foliage. Keep up with your fall raking this year as well to keep things tidy. You could always use those clippings, leaves and grass cuttings to start a mulch bin of your own in the yard. Turn those scraps to beautiful mulch to use next year on your garden.
Take a weekend afternoon to start to winterize your garden a bit, and your plants will thank you next spring!