How to Hold a Successful Garage Sale this Summer

Published on 5/11/2021
If you’re looking to purge some unnecessary clutter and clean out your belongings this summer, a garage sale can be a great idea! This can make the way for a move, or just take care of cleaning your home or your storage unit in North Carolina. Here are some helpful pointers. Pro tip for COVID: have sanitizer on hand and wear your mask to encourage others to do the same.

1. Pick a date

Ask around in your neighborhood to see if there’s already a neighborhood garage sale day. If not, see if people would like to collaborate to entice more people in. Weekends are, of course, ideal as more buyers are likely to be able to stop by. 

2. Get the word out 

Use social media or a neighborhood online board to get the word out about your sale. Post flyers around the neighborhood as well to advertise. Then, the day of, put out some larger signs on main streets pointing the way. Make sure date, time, and location are all prominent on the signs or postings.

3. Keep everything organized

Garage sale hopefuls will have an easier time of it if you group like things. For example, hang clothes on a clothes rack, display bags and shoes together and kitchenware on a separate table. Keep kids toys separate from electronics or good china. Label items for sale or deals you have going on clearly so buyers get the idea and don’t have to ask about every item.

Let us know how your garage sales go this summer!