Whether you’re downsizing and need to be more creative with your storage space or you’re attempting to corral your children’s toys, utilizing the space underneath beds is a great way to add storage to your home.
Thin, clear plastic bins are a perfect way to organize small pieces or craft materials. The clear bins allow you to see what’s inside and the shorter boxes allow you to stack them upon one another (depending on the height of your bed).
Winter clothes, blankets, towels, and the like are exactly the type of items to vacuum seal. Many times these take up excessive amounts of extra space because of the nature of the cloth material. Using large vacuum sealed bags will shrink bed comforters in half and free up so much extra space in your linen closets or clothes closet.
Add some wheels to the bottom of old dresser drawers and boom! You now have under bed storage that is easily accessible. This is a great spot for extra clothes or toy organization.
Many times our closets and space beneath the beds becomes the land of the luggage. Pack your duffle bags inside of your larger suitcases in order to free up more storage space.
How do you free up storage by utilizing the space beneath your bed?