Purge List for the New Year

Published on 1/25/2021

As we're now a few weeks into the New Year, the busy schedules are starting to fall into a groove. Holidays are over, you have your home back to yourself most likely and the seasonal decor is put away. Why wait until spring cleaning to declutter your home? The best time to start is NOW! Here are a few items you've probably let pile up over the years, and we're here to tell you it's okay to let them go. Check Smithfield Storage Unit for these items and purge them! (Or just purge them from your house, and contact us for a unit to store the pieces you can't part with just yet.)


How often do you actually use the cookbooks in your kitchen? Most of the time those are now collecting dust, just sitting on an open shelf as we’re able to navigate millions of recipes at our fingertips, courtesy of the internet. Donate or recycle cookbooks you haven’t touched in years and move the other ones to storage to free up kitchen space.


We all have a cabinet or drawer that contains candles that have seen better days. Maybe you’re trying to find another one with the same scent or maybe you’re holding onto a variety of different ones specifically for decor purposes. Write down scents you’re trying to find again and pitch the old ones. Move decor candles to your storage space in order to open up the cabinet space for more useful storage.

Nail Polish

Ladies, it’s time to stop hoarding all those colors. After years it’s quite possible the nail color won’t even resemble its original one and it’s better off in the trash. Everyone can use more storage in the bathroom, time to start creating room by eliminating all those old nail polish bottles!

Pens and Markers

If you have children, this is the perfect task for them to help with. Pull out all the pens and markers from your junk drawers and give them two baskets and a piece of paper. Have them put all the old, dried up office supplies in one basket to trash and place the ones that still work in the other basket. Now you won’t have to search for a pen that works when you’re trying to write down a message in a pinch.

Expired Spices

Yes, that is correct: kitchen spices do expire! Many people keep them for years (decades?) in their cabinets but their shelf life only lasts so long. Take a few minutes to pull them all out and see what needs to go. As you throw out old spices, take inventory of what you’ll need to pick up at the store so you’re not left empty handed for your next recipe.

Contact Smithfield's if you're in need of extra space this New Year.