Kitchen Organization Tips for More Storage

Published on 3/22/2021

The kitchen, the place where everyone gathers together! Do you have enough space in your kitchen? It’s easy to feel as though you don’t have enough storage, but use these tips to maximize the space you do have and maybe even have some spare room!

Hang Pots and Pans

One of the best ways to create more cabinet space inside your kitchen is to take items out of the cabinets. Take pots and pans for example, these don’t need to be stored under your stove or on a bottom cabinet. Instead, free up that space by installing hooks on a wall or a drop down rack from the ceiling to hang all the pots and pans.

Island Cart

If your space allows, consider investing in a kitchen island cart. This gives more storage space as well as provides more countertop space. When you have too many cooks in the kitchen, simply move it to the side for more room to walk. Otherwise, keep it in the center and enjoy the excess usable space when making dinner!

Use Turntables

Inside of your cabinets, items can be lost if they’re not immediately visible. This results in buying more spices and staples than necessary. To fix this, install turntables inside your cabinets. These are great for spices, baking essentials, and more!

Insert Tension Rods

Many times shelves or cabinets have excess space up top. Take advantage of it! Install tension rods to be able to hang kitchen gadgets or cleaning supplies for more storage space.

Use Diagonal Divider Inserts

Junk drawers and utensil drawers can become overwhelming because of the amount of items simply thrown in them. Use diagonal divider inserts for these drawers to give everything its own space. You’ll probably throw out unnecessary items in the process, it’s a win win. 

Add Pull-Out Drawers

Larger bottom cabinets seem to have unusable space due to a lack of shelves. Instead, add some pull out drawers to these cabinets and boom! You now have 2-3 times the amount of storage. This is great for extra pantry items or organizing your children’s kitchen items. 

Implement a couple or all of these kitchen organization tips and let us know if they worked for you!