3 Hacks For Moving on a Budget
Published on 6/24/2021
For most of us,
moving isn’t free. The expenses add up quickly and if money is already tight, this can add stress and pressure. But that’s why we’ve got some quick
moving hacks for you that will help when you’re on a budget.
1. Begin by decluttering.
Decluttering will not only help you pare down the amount of stuff you’re carting around, it can also bring in some extra cash. If you’ve got used items in your home that are still in working condition but never get used, consider selling them! Those old but cute kids toys, perhaps? Or the piano no one plays that collects dust? You can sell items like these on social media through marketplaces or community groups, through craigslist posts, or even sites like Nextdoor.
After getting some cash in hand for what you can, donate other unused items to clear up space. Or even hold a garage sale if there’re still enough items left. You never know what things people will consider treasures out of your get rid of pile.
2. Don’t fork over a lot of money on packing supplies.
There’s really no need to buy expensive packing supplies these days. Use what you have!
- socks or towels: use these to wrap glassware, plates and other breakable dishes.
- old packaging: utilize packing that the items came in originally. If you kept the TV box, for example, reuse it. Or find the boxes and bubble wrap from kitchen items.
- grocery and liquor stores: often, these stores will have plenty of extra boxes that they just have to break down and recycle each week. Give stores a call in advance to find out what days they will have the most boxes and go pick up some for free!
- craigslist postings: another great way to find free moving boxes or supplies is to check craigslist or other social media sites. A lot of folks post their moving products after they’ve moved and you can get tons of supplies for cheap
3. Resist buying for your new place until you’re all settled in.
You might feel yourself starting to mentally dream about how to decorate and arrange your new space. That’s fine. But hold off on buying until you’re actually in the space and somewhat settled. It’s tempting to want to click “buy” on all the cute products you see online or out in shops but you don’t know how much room you’ll actually have until you’re settled. And this way, when and if you do spend money on new items, you really invest in statement pieces or showstoppers that will fit in that exact spot on the wall, or nestle in right between those two chairs perfectly.
And if there’s a gap between your move out date and when you can get in your new home, we’ve got you covered at
Smithfield Storage. Whether your
storage needs are temporary to get you through a transition like moving, or longer term, we have all the options you’ll need!